Presentations & Results of Workshops

During the symposium, various workshops were also offered that deal with social issues and participation. They took place from 11.30a.m.-1p.m. and 2.30p.m.- 4 p.m.

11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thematic working groups

W 1: Getting to know each other through joint cultural activities, analog and digital:
Dr. Dusana Findeisen, Ass U3A, Ljubljana, Slovenia: “No Europe without culture”
Marina Kuch, ILEU Ulm / Prof Emily Velikova, Univ Ruse, Bulgaria: “Danube-Net-workers invite: Come together for connecting cultures“ (DANECT: Come-together-online-Sessions)
Angela Pudda, Porto Torres, Italy, Elena Muste, Senior-Center 1, Cluj-Napoca, Ro-mania,: “Combining culture & travel, not just travelling”
Elena Goerttler-Reck, Almut Sedlmeier, Danube Office Ulm, Germany: “Project Danube Guides Action 2“

Find the Minutes here

W 2: Shaping the environment using citizen science as an example
Petra Siegele, Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OEAD), Vienna: “Supporting child- and youth friendly landscapes through participative analysis of urban green spaces.”
Dr Harald Kutzenberger / Johanna Loicht High School BIOZ Vienna, Danube Land-scapes Task Force: “On the sustainable development of Danube landscapes at macro-regional and local level”
Stefan Brändel, citizens science, in the Botanical Garden, University of Ulm: “Botanical Gardens: Hubs of Biodiversity & Environmental Education”
Lesya Loyko, Environmental organisation FORZA, Uschhorod, Ukraine: “Protecting urban green through citizen power”

Find the Minutes here

W 3: Using digitalization and media competence
Oliver Schmidt, Ulm, Germany: presentation of the project “Don@u-online“ of the Ba-den-Württemberg State Center for Civic Education (Concept & realisation). Some of the students present examples of their work from Sofia, Bulgaria (National Mathematical-Scientific High School), Odessa, Ukraine (Middle school No. 90), and Ulm, Germany (Schubart-Gymnasium)
Carmen Stadelhofer, ILEU e.V., Tomislav Milunov, Foundation for Humane Aging „Laza Lazarević“, Ileana Iepure, Senior-Center Nr. 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, “ViMA Danube – online platform. Communication across countries and languages”
Patrick Morschhaeuser, Digital Agenda, Ulm, Germany: “The age of AI: Potentials for Civil Society”
➢ Armin Pialek, DSEE – German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering, Neustrelitz, Germany: „Digital volunteering: Leveraging the impact of digital volunteer-ing for international projects”

2:30 pm to 4 pm. Thematic working groups

W4: Promoting cooperation through European caring projects using selected examples
Johanna Kaiser, Karlsruhe, Germany, Diaconal Organisation of the Protestant Church in Baden e.V.: “Creating impact: ‘Interreg funding’ as a way to foster transnational collaboration in the Danube Region”
➢ Mateja Softic, Iskriva, Škofja Loka, Slovenia (online): “Towards an inclusive and accessible society with the help of ‘Interreg funding’”
➢ Dr. Heidrun Mollenkopf, BAGSO Bonn /Age Plattform, Brüssel: “Age Platform Europe as an international platform for older age”

Find the Minutes here

W 5: Participation opportunities for civil society in the EUSDR through various funding programs
Dr Ágnes Sebestyén, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Stuttgart, Deutschland: “Perspective Danube“
Ana Majuric, POUZ, Croatia: “What is the Erasmus+ Programme“
Ute Friederici-Breitig, ILEU, Ulm, Germany / Dejan Zagorac, Zaprokul, Belgrade Serbia: “Intergenerational dialogue in a European context – the example of the DENTA project”
Ana Zlibut, Writers League, Temeswar, Romania: “Mobilities of the Erasmus + programme as an opportunity to broaden horizons and meet people in Europe”

Find the Minutes here

W 6: The Empowerment of women
➢ Andrea Laux, Mine e.V., Stuttgart Germany: “The International network of mothers‘ centres and how it strengthens democracy in the Danube region”
➢ Carmen Stadelhofer, ILEU, Ulm, Germany: “Self-help for, by and with refugee women from Ukraine in Ulm”
Monika Heitmann, Bulgarian-German Social Services St. Andreas e.V. (BDS): “Romnja-Empowerment in Varna, Bulgaria”
Galina Poliakova, Age concern, Kiev, Ukraine: “Volunteering by older women in Ukraine during wartime”

Find the Minutes here

4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Coffee break

4.30 p.m. -6.00 p.m.
Cross-sectoral cooperation and the creation of a sustainable
engagement landscape in the Danube region

Reports from the working groups and declaration of the networks on cooperation