Working Groups EN

As our bridge language during the conference was English, you can find all the materials in English here

Various workshops dealing with social issues and participation were also offered during the symposium. They took place from 11.30-13.00 and 14.30-16.00.

11.30 – 13.00 Thematic workshops

W 1: Getting to know each other through joint cultural activities, analogue and digital:

  • Dr Dusana Findeisen, University of the 3rd Age, Ljubljana, Slovenia: ‘No Europe without culture’;
  • Marina Kuch, ILEU Ulm, Germany / Prof Emily Velikova, Univ Ruse, Bulgaria: ‘Danube-Networkers invite: Come together for connecting cultures’ (DANECT: Come-together-online-Sessions);
  • Angela Pudda, Porto Torres, Italy Elena Muste, Senior-Center 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: ‘Connecting culture & travel, not just with travel’;
  • Elena Goerttler-Reck, Almut Sedlmeier, Donaubüro Ulm, Germany: ‘Project Danube Guides Action’.

Below you can read the minutes

W 2: Shaping the environment using the example of Citizen Science:

  • Petra Siegele, Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OEAD), Vienna, Austria: ‘Promoting child- and youth-friendly urban landscapes through participatory investigation of urban green spaces’;
  • Dr Harald Kutzenberger / Johanna Loicht, University BIOZ Vienna, Danube Landscapes Task Force: ‘On the sustainable development of Danube landscapes at macro-regional and local level’;
  • Stefan Brändle, Citizen Science at the Botanical Garden of the University of Ulm: ‘Botanical Gardens: Centres for Biodiversity and Environmental Education’
  • Lesya Loyko, environmental organisation FORZA, Uzhhorod, Ukraine: ‘Protecting urban greenery with citizen participation’.

Below you can read the minutes

W 3: Using digitalisation & media literacy:

  • Oliver Schmid, Ulm, Germany: presentation of the ‘Don@u-Online’ project of the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg: conception & realisation, examples of students‘ work from Sofia, Bulgaria (National Mathematical-Scientific High School), Odessa, Ukraine (Middle School No. 90), and Ulm, Germany (Schubart-Gymnasium) by the students;
  • Carmen Stadelhofer, ILEU, Tomislav Milunov, Foundation for Humane Aging ‘Laza Lazarević’ & Ileana Iepure, Senior Centre 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: ‘ViMA danube – online platform, communication across countries and languages’;
  • Patrick Morschhaeuser, Digital Agenda, Ulm: ‘Age of AI: potential for civil society’;
  • Armin Pialek, DSEE – German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering, Neustrelitz, Germany: ‘Digital volunteering: utilising the impact of digital volunteering for international projects’.

14.30- 16.00 Thematic workshops

W 4: Promoting cooperation through European caring projects using selected examples

  • Johanna Kaiser, Karlsruhe, Germany, Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden e.V.: ‘Enabling influence: “Interreg funding” as an opportunity to promote transnational cooperation in the Danube region’;
  • Mateja Softic, Iskriva, Škofja Loka, Slovenia (online): ‘The road to an inclusive and barrier-free society with the help of Interreg funds’;
  • Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf, BAGSO Bonn / Age Platform, Brussels: ‘Age Platform Europe as an international platform for Older Age’.

W 5: Participation opportunities for civil society in the EUSDR through various funding programmes

  • Dr Ágnes Sebestyén, Baden-Württemberg Foundation, Stuttgart, Germany: ‘Perspective Danube’;
  • Ana Majuric, POUZ, Croatia: ‘What is the Erasmus+ programme?’
  • Ute Friederici-Breitig, ILEU, Ulm, Germany / Dejan Zagorac, Zaprokul, Belgrade, Serbia: ‘Intergenerational dialogue in the European context – using the example of the DENTA project’;
  • Ana Zlibuƫ, Writers League, Timisoara, Romania: ‘Mobilities of the Erasmus+ programme as an opportunity for broadening horizons and encounters in Europe’.

W 6: Empowerment of women

  • Andrea Laux, Mine e.V. Stuttgart, Germany: ‘International network of mothers’ centres and how they strengthen democracy in the Danube region’,
  • Carmen Stadelhofer, ILEU, Ulm, Germany: ‘Self-help for, by and with refugee women from Ukraine in Ulm’
  • Monika Heitmann, Bulgarian-German Social Organisation St. Andreas e. V. (BDS): ‘Roma empowerment in Varna, Bulgaria’,
  • Galina Poliakova, Age concerns, Kiev, Ukraine: ‘Volunteering by older women during the war in Ukraine’

16.00-16.30 coffee break

16.30 -18.00
Cross-sectoral cooperation and the creation of a sustainable
engagement landscape in the Danube region

Reports from the working groups and declaration by the networks on cooperation