Every two years, the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm invites you to the International Danube Festival.
Donaufest: That means a togetherness of international artists and guests, encounters, culture and culinary highlights. The 10 Danube countries are bound to each other in friendship – and during the 10-day Danube Festival they show this through their cultural ambassadors and how they present their countries and traditions.
Two main themes are reflected in the festival: At the Market of the Danube Countries, guests can experience cultural diversity, crafts and more. Numerous stalls tempt with delicacies and drinks. Try a Hungarian wine and Croatian pastries – or rather a Danube Swabian paprika sausage followed by langos?
People are at the centre of attention at this festival: at the colourful family programme, the international youth meeting, congresses and circles of friends – and in addition, unity in diversity, the idea of cultural cooperation in Europe and the strengthening of cohesion in the Danube region, take centre stage.
We from ILEU e.V. and the Danube-Networkers international are happy to welcome our friends from the Danube countries again this year. Read something about our actions on the following pages and contact us if you would like to participate in one of the events.
We are also especially happy to support refugees at our own stand as part of our Ukraine Aid, where handicrafts and art objects will be sold to benefit aid projects in Ukraine.
We wish you all a wonderful Donaufest 2022!