Greetings and Impulse lectures EN

As our bridge language during the conference was English, you can find all the materials in English here

9:00 Uhr Eröffnung der Konferenz: „Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft im Donauraum für ein gemeinsames Europa“


Greetings from the city of Ulm from First Mayor Martin Bendel

Greetings from the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg by Ms Niombo Lomba, Head of the Danube Region Service Centre, Department VI – European Policy, State Representation Brussels, Cross-border Cooperation

Opening: Carmen Stadelhofer, ILEU e.V., ‘We are all Danube networkers – participation and networking, analogue and digital, everything is in the mix’

Keynote speeches

Gisela Erler, former State Secretary, Berlin: ‘Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft in stürmischen Zeiten’ (online)

Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf: ‘The future needs intergenerational cooperation’

Petra Siegele, OeAD – Agency for Education and Internationalisation, Vienna, Austria, ‘Researching together across generations and borders – Citizen Science as a model’

Armin Pialek, German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering, DSEE: ‘Civil society needs support’

Stefan Barth, Agapedia gGmbH, ‘Danube Networking – Challenges, limits and opportunities’

To the day’s programme