Little Steps towards Change 11/07/24

As part of the Danube Networkers meeting, an international, intergenerational workshop will take place on Thursday 11 July as part of the project. Societies are experiencing rapid changes in the 21st century due to accelerating technological change, shifting cultural norms, and greater inclusion and equity. At the same time, deepening threats from climate change, migration, and violent conflict can pose significant challenges to societies and require solutions beyond typical political or economic policies. Effective policy making in the next century will require looking at issues through new lenses, taking into account all segments of society and which challenges will have to be overcome. And it needs an active civil society using the human potential to share the problems and to find good solutions. More informations on the project
In this workshop we will have a closer look to some relevant topics and reflect together what we can do to include the human potential more in civil society to shape the future.


16.00-16.50 Welcome Coffee

17.00 Start of the Workshop; Moderation: Damian Wagner-Herold

17:00 Uhr Opening Short Welcome words: Carmen Stadelhofer, Marina Kuch. Introduction to the Workshop Damian Wagner-Herold: Aims, procedure, transfer, networking by digital means

17:30-18:30 4 Working groups: „Youth“, „Women“, “Older Adults“,„Migrants in the Danube Region“.

17:50 Short presentation of the participants

18:55 3 main questions to discuss und requests

19:00 Plenum: summary of the groups, outcomes

19:20 Further planning and farewell