Online platform ViMA Ulm

ViMA stands for Virtual. Participate. Active! ViMA Danube is an open, multifunctional online-platform, which is supposed to become the digital meeting point of the citizens in the Danube region.

The goal is to give the citizens, in all their diversity, the opportunity to exchange ideas with others online about common interests.

The focus is on people, for whom digital tools are provided to get to know people with similar interests, to share knowledge with others, or to make competencies and skills available to others.

The platform is the basis for meetings and cooperation virtually, in presence or mixed form in the following areas

  • search-offer function (culture, sports, travel, …)
  • Interest groups (sewing, history, cooking, …)
  • discussion forums (e.g. on the development of the city center, regional garden show, …)

and gives information about events of partner organizations.


 ViMA Danube will be launched at the international Danube Festival in July 2022.

The ViMA Danube Volunteers are working to test and exchange experiences on the website.

The platform ViMA is operated by ILEU e.V. (Institute for virtual and real learning in adult education Ulm e.V.). Its development was funded by the Digital Agenda Office of the City of Ulm as part of the project „Ulm4CleverCity – Smart City Model City“.